So with the riches of an entire weekend stretched out in front of us, what's on the agenda?
Depends on the weather, really. If it stays dry we want to spend some time in the garden. Digging up those damned ferns before they start sprouting again, draining and removing the pond we no longer want before the frogs start spawning again, and generally having a tidy up. The garage needs taking down but that requires some planning effort as it's a cement asbestos construction, so we have to give advanced warning to the council before they'll accept the bits at the tip. Plus I don't really want to cart it there in the car, so we'll need to hire a flat-bed truck once it's down. No, that's definitely a job for warmer weather. Digging though... that's fine for a cold, dry day.
The study could do with a tidy. All that filing I did the other week, that ended up in lots of little piles, somehow stalled with half the piles still lying around on the carpet. So they're pleading to be put away, along with the stacks of books we intended to get rid of on eBay before we discovered how much it would cost to list them, and how many other people had had exactly the same idea with exactly the same list of titles! Maybe we'll hang on to them a bit longer, but not in the middle of the study floor.
At some stage I have to pick up my paintbrush again and continue with the door-painting project. The two that I've finished look spiffy, but that leaves five - possibly six - that are yet to be started, and the whole hall-and-landing set up has a rather unbalanced aspect with two white doors and five (possibly six) stripped ones.
There's a lot more to do that that, naturally. Maybe I need to make a list. Yes, that's the ticket. When in doubt, make a list. I find it always gives me a sense of control, no matter how far-fetched. I'm sure if I looked hard enough (possibly under the piles of filing, or books) I'd find a partially-ticked-off list from the last time I felt organised. At least one, probably.