Saturday, June 27, 2009


Had hoped to finish the burning today in between showers. Unfortunately I ran into the same problem as last week - the incinerator became choked. The embers just weren't burning down fast enough to make space for any more fuel - only this time I'd only been going a couple of hours.

Maybe chopping the boards into four pieces instead of three wasn't such a good idea? Or maybe the wood was still damp from the rain. Whatever the reason I was left with about another hour or two's burning to do so I guess I'll be back out there tomorrow.

Found a load more bricks too, buried around the site. No idea what I'll do with 'em, but the stock now numbers around a hundred so there's easily enough to repair the wall and probably build a couple of gate pillars to close off what was the entrance to the garage.

The next conundrum is what to do with the four rusting poles that were lying under the floor. Look like they were once part of a garden swing. Now they're so flaky that every time I move them they shower me with rust. I won't be able to get them to the tip without wrapping them in something (or making a helluva mess inside the car!). Perhaps I should just bury them and let the rusting process continue!

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