Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The fastest rejection on record

One of the six queries I sent out over the weekend was to a New York agency who promise to reply within a week, interested or not.

I emailed them on Sunday afternoon, got a robot reply that they were out of town for the holiday weekend and I should try again next week.

I came home from the office yesterday to a very politely worded rejection. Thanks, this sounds interesting, but it's not what we're looking for right now.

It's always nice to receive a personal note rather than a form letter, but it was the timestamp of the email that impressed me most. 13:36. That's 8:36am New York time. He can't have been in the office much more than half-an-hour. If I'm going to be rejected (and I am), I wish it could always be like this. Swift and painless, rather than hanging on for weeks wondering if the email got through. Brilliant.


Blythe said...

I'm glad - it means that some of them, at least, are looking at your submission to them!

<3 Hang in there, someone will pick it up and love it.

Gloria Horsehound said...

You deserve to succeed Digger. I won't commit the time that's why I'm doing what I'm doing.

Good luck matey.