Friday, February 19, 2010

Only one to go!

We recorded the penultimate track to Weird & Wonderful last night. The last-but-one to be recorded that is, not necessarily the last-but-one on the album - we still haven't finalised the order of tracks.

This whole thing has been a learning experience. Sometimes it's Annie learning a new production trick, or - as I mentioned last time - realising that it would make sense to write the music in a key we can sing, rather than having all the work of transposing it into the right key post-hoc.

Last night, the lesson was for me. Because quite a number (*checks* - six) of lines in this song, my last, begin with "It's." It sounded great in my head when I was writing it - the perfect way to describe all those little things that add up to a great relationship, which is what the song's about. But you try singing it. "It's" is not the easiest word in the world to articulate clearly when you're also trying to hit the opening note of a line, and follow it up immediately with two more words when you only have half a beat in which to sing them.

So my lesson was, in the same way as there are notes that are harder to reach, there are words that are harder to sing. When I'm writing, I'd damn' well better sing it out loud, not just in my head.

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