Sunday, May 02, 2010

Kevin Watch

Since discovering the presence of young Kevin in our aquarium the other day, things have been a bit fraught. I'm the first to admit I know nothing about the habits of very small cherry barbs, but he does seem to spend an awful lot of his time... missing. Or hiding.

Maybe it's because he's such a small nipper he instinctively knows he needs to keep out of the way of the Big Fish in case they take a fancy to a passing morsel. These fish are known for eating their young, although I think he's past the stage where any of them would be able to take a chunk out of him. Anyway, it's not been unusual for a day or two to pass without a sighting, which leads to elevated levels of anxiety from "mum & dad" as we peer into the tank hoping for a glimpse.

This level of concern for little Kev was raised to unprecedented heights during our week away in the Lakes, since we'd left the fish to more-or-less fend for themselves with nothing more than a dissolving "vacation" food block for company. Would the block dissolve? Would they recognise it as food? Would their increased hunger lead them to focus even more keenly on their defenceless offspring? Returning from our hols yesterday morning we examined the tank closely for any sign of young life. There was none. Unable to concentrate properly on the evening's telly our attentions were continually drawn back to the glowing tube, but he never showed.

Until this morning, when the weekly partial water change must have flushed him out from his usual hiding place and suddenly there he was, racing around the tank in pursuit of small bits of detritus thrown up by the pouring water. And... what's this? Looks like he's got a little brother or sister too!! Almost half the size Kevin is now, and as far as we can remember smaller than he was the first time we spotted him. We've called "her" Marina. If this keeps up we'll be needing a second tank!

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