Saturday, August 11, 2012

100TWC - Day 15: Seeking Solace

Sid shivered. Not from the cold. No. Even though it was late November and the night air was chilly right enough, his shiver came from the chill he felt inside. It was the kind of discomfort a man of conscience might experience when embarking on something... questionable.

Even so, the need drove him. The loneliness. He stood alone at the edge of the anonymous suburban car park staring up at the anonymous green door at the top of a rusting fire escape and shivered again, this time with resolve. He waited for a car to pass, briefly speared by its headlights like the archetypal rabbit, turned his raincoat collar up against the damp November mist, and crossed the road.

As he started up the steel stairs the driver of that car pushed past him, climbing quickly and confidently. Over his shoulder the man remarked snidely, "ey-up Granpa! You sure you're in the right place?" He reached the green door before Sid had attained the first landing, knocked, and was admitted.

Slightly short of breath after the climb, Sid stood in front of the door a few moments later. He hesitated, looking nervously around. Below him the almost-empty car park sat silent, cones of illuminated mist shining down from the sodium lamps. A dog barked in a nearby house. Sid knocked. A previously unremarked panel in the door opened to reveal a pair of heavily made-up deep blue eyes.

"Is Winston in?"

The door opened, warmth washed over Sid's face, carrying the heavy scent of cheap perfume.

"Come in then dear, don't let all the heat out!"

He stepped slowly over the threshold, the blue-eyed woman closing the door behind him. Sid clutched his raincoat around his chest.

"Not been before, have you dear?" Blue Eyes asked. She smiled, revealing yellow teeth, but her eyes glistened like wet flint. "Can I take your coat?"

She held out her hand. Waited.

"Er... yes. Thank you," Sid mumbled, reluctantly undoing his raincoat and handing it over.

He looked furtively around the room. It was decorated simply, with a pale yellow blown-vinyl wallpaper which matched the deep gold of the shades on table- and standard-lamps set around the room, far enough apart to create pools of soft light. In the shadier spaces between the lights, overstuffed sofas and chairs had been laid out in niches and booths. In one corner three men sat together in arm chairs, sharing glasses of whisky and conversing in hushed tones, laughing occasionally. Two sofas facing each other held five other women whose make-up matched Blue Eyes'. In contrast to the men, the women were not talking. They looked bored. One of them flicked slowly through a copy of Heat magazine. One filed her nails. The others appeared each to be fascinated by separate areas of pattern in the vinyl wallpaper.

Along the short wall opposite the door a small bar had been installed. It was tended by a thin, balding man wearing thick glasses. He was reading a book. There was no sign of the car driver.

"See anything you like, dear?" asked Blue Eyes.

"I th-think I'd like a drink first," Sid whispered. He cleared his throat. "A relaxer."

Blue Eyes smiled again, the flintiness never leaving her eyes. "Of course dear. You can see where the bar is. Just let me know when you've made your mind up, or if there's anything... special... you need." She flashed him a knowing look and walked round behind the heavy mahogany desk that sat next to the door.

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