Sunday, October 04, 2009

It's a Revelation!

This afternoon's family movie was this one. Revelation. For the first time ever, when it had finished, I took the disc out of the player, and threw it straight in the bin. It's not even worth putting on eBay. In fact I wondered, in the end, why we'd even bothered watching it through.

Later, leafing through the comments on IMDb, I discovered we weren't alone in our opinion.

I'm not going to attempt a review. It's not that it would be hard to write, I've just got way more important things to do with my time. Suffice to say this is one to steer clear of, unless you like to watch really atrocious movies so you can laugh at them. The kind with a plot that wanders aimlessly through time and space like a Time Lord with no map, dialogue that was apparently written by a five-year-old (a pompous five-year-old at that), and performances so wooden they would have been kicked out of Pogles' Wood.

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