Friday, May 01, 2009


Our builder's been round today. He had an idea about the shower tray. The one that leaks because it wasn't put in properly. He reckons that if he reinforces it from underneath with some well-positioned lengths of two-by-four (or, for Harry Enfield fans, twobefourbetwobe), glued and screwed, then the previously unsupported tray will no longer flex and, in not flexing, won't break its seal and therefore won't leak.

Sounded good to us, especially as the solution can be executed through the hole in the kitchen ceiling rather than requiring a complete rip out and refit of the shower enclosure, AND we've ended up with a patch of new plaster where the hole was.

It was a blimmin' mess though, I can tell you. With the inter-joist muck falling down, additional bits of ceiling (to make the hole rectangular), wood being sawn and plaster being slapped around, we'll probably be cleaning up 'til this time tomorrow. And then there'll be painting I expect. There's always painting.


angrybonbon said...

There is indeed always painting...

Gloria Horsehound said...

I think I've mentioned my bathroom ceiling before but if I haven't here goes...It's bad.
Thank you.

Blythe said...

My word verification code for this comment was 'brolite'

I just thought I'd comment, as it gave me sufficient lols :D

*hugs you*

Ceiling development yay!