Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Moving Moment

If you're moving house and things aren't going as quickly as you'd like, post a note on your blog to that effect to get things moving right along! Barely twenty-four hours after me saying that things weren't happening...they started happening!

We're now trying to get everything sorted in time to move on Friday - yes, Friday the 13th, but we're not superstitious. The rest of the boxes should be coming today and packing activities, more or less suspended for the last four weeks, will resume in earnest. This will be tricky, as we have family staying with us right now, so we'll have to pack around them and hope none of their stuff gets moved by mistake. They fly out on Friday morning a couple of hours before the removal van is scheduled to turn up.

The most agonizing thing about the move? Having to disconnect, and be without, the Internet access. We won't have a phone line for all of...three days. That will be weird. Do you think I'm addicted?

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