Monday, April 30, 2007

The first shower

Yesterday evening I had my first shower - no *the* first shower - in our new shower. Yes, really. Our bathroom fitter came round as arranged in the morning and calibrated the mixer and now it does hot, and it does cold. Brilliant.

There was one slight additional problem that I didn't mention last time. The lever that controls the flow between the rain head and the shower head doesn't work properly. It's supposed to flip between the two. What it actually does, as you move it from fully down to fully up, is slow the rain head down to a trickle while starting the shower head up, but it never *quite* shuts the rain head off, until it reaches the uppermost position, at which point it shuts them BOTH off.

Not ideal, and not something he could fix yesterday (he had to call the manufacturer, and their support lines aren't open on Sunday), but it's a detail. At least we can shower. We're not there yet by God, but the end is in sight.

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