Sunday, April 01, 2007

Not what I call a Sunday

Regular readers might remember that I had a weekend stolen not so long ago. Unbelievably that piece of work is still grinding on, and we have a "final" - competitive - presentation to give to the customer tomorrow, so now I've had a Sunday stolen too.

In the end, we gave the after-show party a miss. I disappeared upstairs early evening to write up my review of Doctor Who for TV Scoop, which we'd time-shifted, and having been distracted with other stuff while I was online 11pm soon rolled round, by which time Nikki had fallen asleep on the sofa and neither of us really felt like going.

A good thing as it turned out, since we were expecting the workmen back this morning and I had loads to do before catching the 14.10 train to Euston. When they arrived they made suitable expressions of sympathy at the chipped tile, and offered to break it out and replace it. They'll have to be very careful - if they break even one element of the heating pad, the whole thing will stop working. They've done this before, apparently, and have a 100% success rate, but even so there's a risk. It was a hard decision whether to leave it or chance it, but in the end I decided we haven't had the benefit of the heating yet, so if it never works that'll be just one of those things. I'd rather not keep staring at that chip!

We have a fantasy art picture of a mermaid which we decided would be perfect for the space between the windows. You'd better believe that whenever I hang it I'll be standing on a very thick mat while I'm holding the hammer.

I worked until 9.30pm tonight. I definitely wouldn't have fancied that with a party head on. One of the guys I was working with had been to a 40th birthday party the night before and he was *really* struggling. We arrived at the hotel at 9.50 and headed for the bar after checking in, only to find that the hotel restaurant had closed moments before. The four of us staying in the same hotel were pretty desperate for something to eat. I'd had nothing since breakfast and one guy hadn't eaten anything but a bag of crisps all day.

So we headed out around the corner to the local Indian restaurant: La Portes des Indes. We were lucky - the place closes at 10.30pm on Sundays and we made it with ten minutes to spare. The manageress said she'd be happy to serve us as long as we could choose our dishes within those ten minutes. We were so hungry that wasn't a hard task - we just went for the fixed menu. The place is stunning. Carved mahogany banisters everywhere, huge palm trees, expensively tiled floors. The fixed menu was excellent with a choice of three starters and four mains which we all shared, but when the bill came I was glad I was eating on expenses. Over £170 for the four of us, and beer at £7.60 a pint!

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