Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Five

I'm still way behind on these things, but I like 'em :o)

1. Are you attracted to the naughty or the nice?
Naughty is fun in the short-term, but it's wearing, unpredictable, dangerous and ultimately unsatisfactory. I know it remains some people's bag throughout their life, but for me it's got to be nice.

2. Do you let your dirty laundry pile up?
Nope. And I should probably add that right now doing the laundry is not one of "my" chores, but when and if it is, I don't let it pile up. I once lived in a house where the ironing pile reached over the top of a radiator and you had to dig out and iron the thing you wanted to wear minutes before you wanted to wear it. I can't live like that.

3. What's the last excuse you made?
This is a tough one because I'm writing this retrospectively (I know, I know, ...) so I don't know whether this really *was* the last excuse I made on June 22, but the last one I remember is claiming that I didn't take a colleague's call in the evening because the cell phone signal in my house is very variable, when in fact the reason was I'd forgotten he'd be calling and turned my phone off. Tch.

4. Do you play it safe or do you take risks?
Safe. That's why I am where I am in life, on all sorts of levels. Not complaining; that's just the way it is.

5. Friday fill-in:
Let's go to ____ and ____.
Let's go to bed and eat vanilla slices.

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