Thursday, August 21, 2008

The human face of technology

The NeuroArm robot has been in the news a lot recently. I don't know why this has just burst into the consciousness of the UK media - so far I've only managed to catch the last few seconds of every news item on it - but we've been a bit slow to catch on. There's a news article on it here dated November 2007.

Still that's the British media for you. Quick off the mark with the trivial stuff, good at making things up for a catchy headline, but when it's something really interesting and important? Almost a year behind the times. Nice one.

The little bit of the news that I have caught seems to have been focussing on people's reaction to being operated on by a robot. Despite the fact that the device works with pinpoint accuracy in the kind of surgery where being a millimetre off at the end of a gruelling six- or eight-hour op can mean the difference between life and death, will people trust it? It looks like something out of The Terminator, which is bound to be a bit worrying.

Seems to me they missed a very obvious trick here. If they wanted to give the device a more "human" face they should just have called it...

Robot de Neuro.

Are you looking at me?


Tvor said...

Oh that has got to be possibly the worst pun i've ever in my life heard. And i've heard (and made) plenty. Well done! lol

Gloria Horsehound said...

You're right about the media and trivial stuff, drives me bonkers the way they harp on about inconsequential things and deliberately ignore important stuff like robots.
But remember Digger, the British media and especially Brit T.V is still the best in the world, any world, and I should know because I have insider information;)

Talking of robots I recently saw the last few seconds of a news item or programme, don't know which channel or on what day, but there was this quite tall white robot that could play football or something. I'd love a robot man like that in the house, maybe I could teach him to polish my knick knacks.
The trouble is if it was a man robot he'd probably drop them.

Thank you very much I've had my say.
P.S. Are there women robots?