Friday, April 22, 2011

How did this happen?

Something about our flight to Toronto yesterday triggered one of those gestalt moments for me. A chilling realisation of a modern truism. And it's this:

When I was young, the world was geared around older people. Us youngsters had to defer to our elders, treat them with respect, shut up and get on with doing as we were told, and not make a fuss.

Now I'm older, the world is geared around younger people. Us elders(*) are invisible. Virtually ignored by marketeers, shoved out of the way in queues and generally not given as much respect as people of our age commanded in "those days."

So it seems, or at least yesterday it seemed, as if somehow everything had flipped 180° and I'd missed that crucial nexus - if it ever existed - when I was the "right age" for the world.

(*)OK, 54 isn't THAT old, but... you know... sometimes it FEELS as though it is.

1 comment:

Don said...

It's Not that old, John. I'm seven years your senior, and I don't feel a day over 45. Except when I get up in the morning, and when I try to do strenuous stuff, and........