Monday, October 01, 2012

100TWC - Day 66: Dangerous Territory

"So that's a Bud Light for May, Spitfires for Jim and Keith, V 'n' Ts for Ranvir, Suzi and Bella, and... sorry, what was yours Jack?"
"He's already had enough," Suzi offered.
"No I ant, s'awright," Jack held up a finger. "Mine's easy t'remember anyhoo. Jack for Jack."
"Oh yeah, a JD on the rocks for Gentleman Jack."

Jas headed off to the kitchen to take his turn at bartendering while the others remained in various states of crash around the living room.

"What IS this garbage we're listening to?" Jim asked.
"Dunno," Keith replied. "Change it. I've put loads of playlists on the Pod."

Jim scrolled casually through the list and selected "Party - Late" which was exactly where they were. Too late for dancing, too early for easy listening (whatever THAT was), they just needed a series of decent choons. He trusted Keith's selections implicitly.

Jas returned carry a bentwood tray loaded with drinks and snacks.

"My MAN!" Jack said, eyeing the snacks and swaying dangerously close to the tray. "How'd you know I had the munchies?"
"I'm psychic," Jas laughed.

They took their drinks and Jas parked the tray.
"So," he said opening his arms to include the room, "what're we gonna do now?"
"You KNOW what we're gonna do," May replied mischievously. "We're gonna play... Dangerous Territory!"
Jim, Ranvir and Bella groaned.
"Not that again," Bella sighed. "You know what happened last time."
"Yes I do," May continued, undeterred. "We had fun!"
"Funny sort of fun"
"Exactly! The best kind! Funny fun is wicked."
"And wicked fun is funny," added Suzi. "Can I go first?"
"Spin a bottle," Jack insisted, through a mouthful of Hula Hoops.

A brief search for an empty bottle that hadn't already been recycled ensued. Jas found one behind the sofa, set it on the floor in the middle of the room and spun it. It came to rest with its neck pointing at Suzi.

"Yayyy! I DO go first."
"Victim?" asked May.

Jas spun the bottle again. It stopped at him.

"Oooh!" said Suzi, giving Jas a wicked grin, "let's see. Umm..."

Jas looked nervous. "Nothing too risky," he pleaded.

"Is there anyone in the room you fancy?" Suzi asked. "That's mild enough, isn't it?"

Jas blushed, trying not to look at anyone in particular.

"I guess. Er... I mean... yes. There is."
"Who? Tell us!" May insisted.
"Hey! S'not fair!" Jack said, picking up the bottle. "One question a time. That was the rule last time."
"But it'll take FOREVER to get anything juicy out of anyone," May pouted.
"Well ask better questions then!" Jack said, pointing the bottle at Suzi. He replaced it, and set it spinning again. It stopped at Jas.

"Ha!" he said. "Revenge"
"You don't know who the victim's gonna be yet," Jack pointed out, spinning the bottle a fourth time.
"It takes too long for the bottle to stop," said Bella. "Can't we just roll a dice or something."
"A die," said Keith.
"Suzi!" yelled May
"Yes?" she said
"She means you're the victim," Jas grinned. "Revenge IS sweet. Now let me see..."
"Remember I didn't ask you anything too dirty!" Suzi said, suddenly looking less assured.
"Should have taken the chance while you had it," Jas teased. "My question is... have you ever had anal?"
Suzi turned a deep red and flashed a look at Jim before she could stop herself.
"Aha!" exclaimed May, who caught the look and its meaning immediately. "Hardly need to answer that now do we, Miss Backdoor?"
"Shut up," said Suzi sharply, "you can't talk anyway. Your rear entrance has seen almost as much action as your front."
"See? I told you this would happen," Bella said. "We've only just started and you're at each other's throats already."
"Backsides more like," joked Keith.
"So, is that right? Suzi?" Jas insisted. "You haven't ACTUALLY answered the question yet. So you've done it with Jim, yeah?"
"You only asked if I'd done it, not with who. And yes, I have. So what? Don't you ever like to try anything different?"
"Hey, no need to get all defensive. Whatever floats your--"
"--turd," interjected Jack.
"Ewww," Bella screwed up her face and paused with a handful of peanuts halfway to her mouth. "Putting me off my snacks here."
"Spin again Jack," said Keith.

Inquisitor: Keith. Victim: Bella

"Fuck," Bella muttered

Keith grinned. "How evil am I feeling?" he mused quietly to himself, but easily loud enough for the neighbours to hear. "Have you," he started slowly, dragging out the tension, "ever had sex with another girl?"
"Foul!" called May.
"Why foul?" Keith asked indignantly.
"Because you know she has. I told you."
"Ooh. Scandal AND gossip," Jack crowed. "I love it."
"You TOLD him?" Bella exploded. "WHEN?"
"The next day," May said, smiling. "Didn't know we were hiding it from anybody."
"Well YOU might not have been," Bella said, giving May a shove.


Don said...

Wow, John, you've been busy!

Digger said...

I have, yeah :0) Just over a month to go.