Thursday, July 29, 2010

Construction Complete

Compare this photo with the one taken four days ago. The phrase that springs to my mind is "new rooms for old" but then I always was a sucker for The Arabian Nights as a child.

The chimney breast looks the dog's bollocks with its new length of skirting perfectly fitted and a rather high-quality plaster vent in place of the crappy repro fireplace. The wall to the left of that is one that was plastered yesterday. Drying nicely. In fact as I type the ceiling is almost dry already, so  my allowance of seven days for drying before I can start wielding the roller is looking generous. I will wait the full week though. Experience tells me that plaster which LOOKS dry can still be sweating a bit, and the first coat of paint either won't go on properly, or it will blister when it dries as the last vestiges of moisture struggle to get out through the paint, which can lead to all sorts of problems with the second coat.

The drying time won't be wasted though. We'll be sanding woodwork and doing other prep this weekend. Oh joy.


Don said...

I like the new photo.
It looks like a good location for a fireplace. :)

Digger said...

Hey, yeah! Cool idea :o)