Friday, July 09, 2010

Faster than a speeding email

It never fails to amaze me how fast email is.

Nat's sat here with me in the study today, and we're both surfin' and browsin' and generally being good netizens when a writing opportunity pops up that I think she might be interested in.

"You know that site I was telling you about before?"
"Well they're recruiting new writers, I'll send you the link"
"Okay, thanks!"
*copies link into email and sends*
"Thank you!"

The time that elapsed between me clicking 'send' and her saying 'thank you' could only have been measured by the kind of chronometer you might find in a physics lab. It appeared to be instantaneous. Certainly an order of magnitude faster than I could have walked over and handed it to her, and she's sitting less that six feet away.

In't t'Internet brilliant?

1 comment:

Don said...

Lots of people will say you're losing the personal touch, and maybe they're right, but sending a link is a whole lot easier than saying to someone "just type in http//"

And watch your spelling because that will screw everything up.