Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Five

I'm quite getting into this Friday Five business, especially as I don't have to think up (or find) the questions for meself! Thanks Di! ;o) This week, as it happens, my answers are frighteningly similar to yours of last Friday.

1. What do you obsess about?
Absolutely hate being late for anything. When I was growing up, as a family we were always first to arrive and last to leave at any gatherings. Nikki and I had to go and pay the balance on our new carpets on Wednesday evening prior to the first one being fitted this coming Monday. Had to be there by six to catch them before they closed. Traffic was a nightmare! We ended up walking in the shop at 5.55pm and you could see their faces: "Bloody customer five minutes before closing?" They brightened up when they saw we'd come to give them money though!

If I have a lot to do work-wise I tend to be fairly bad at prioritising too. I try to make progress on everything all at once and then stress out because I'm not getting anywhere with anything.

2. What do you do for a living?
IT Professional, solutions architect (i.e. I design the whole solution - hardware, network, systems and applications software)

3. Where do you call home?
Manchester, UK (originally from Nottingham)

4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
Exceeded them financially and career-wise, I think. Probably not lived up to them so well in other areas.

5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?
Of those two options, coffee bar definitely. I think I've only been in a nightclub three times in my life and I hated it every time. I prefer the pub actually, or beer garden, but best is drinking at friends' houses during parties or small soirees.

1 comment:

Tvor said...

Similar answers... probably why we're friends! Lots in common! :) Being late will cause me more stress than most other every day things!!