Saturday, May 05, 2007

I just had to try this - and so will you

We helped our friend Annie move house yesterday evening. The first thing you think when you walk into her new place is: "Wow!" Then the next thing you think is: "Wow!!" I remember thinking Wow on at least six separate occasions as she showed us round. The place is huge. And I mean, HUGE. So pleased for her - after a succession of places that she *thought* were places where she could feel settled and make a home, but which turned out to be turkeys of one flavour or another (most of them, it has to be said, turkey flavoured), this finally looks like somewhere she'll be staying for a long time to come.

I hope so, cos I don't fancy moving all THAT junk again any time soon! (*joke!*)

Anyhow we had a blast moving her, the nine of us. Two at the new place organising where everything went, three at the old place deconstructing, bagging up and fetching downstairs, and four of us loading cars, driving between, unloading cars and driving back (repeat until finished). Got more-or-less the whole lot done in under two hours when Annie decided the rest could wait until today cos she'd had enough. Then it was back to the new place for beer, pizza and matey chats. What a great way to spend an evening. Good friends, good company, and the feeling that you've accomplished something to help a mate. Top stuff.

Oh, yes. That thing I just had to try? It's amazing the random stuff you find on tvor's journal, but this is randomer than most:

Which random phallic object are you?
Quiz by Andrea.

1 comment:

Tvor said...

The weird thing is, a lot of those quizzes and memes turn out to be fairly close to the mark!

Annie seems to be following you around! Isn't her new place quite a bit closer to your new house? I hope she's finally found her nest!