Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Shower: The Final Frontier

Having consulted the manufacturers, our plumber discovered the probable source of the fault. He'd installed the valve the wrong way up. This makes his track record of handed installations 100%. That's 100% *wrong* you understand. He plumbed the bath's hot water supply to the cold tap. And vice versa, naturally. He plumbed the wash basin's hot water supply to the cold tap. And vice versa. He installed the shower's mixer valve with the stop button on the left. When he came to fix the temperature the button mysteriously moved to the right. Now, finally, his Dad arrived to fix the rain-head/shower-head valve and that too migrated inexplicably from left to right.

It's lucky there's only one pipe leading to the toilet, or we'd probably be flushing with hot water!

Anyway, it's done. He was here about 20 minutes and the shower is now fully functional. We can switch from one output to the other, and the one we're not using shuts off. Revolutionary that, I think you'll agree.

I ordered the mirror online today too, so it shouldn't be long before I can share some photos of the real, final, done deal. And I can start writing about something else ;o)


Anonymous said...

Whilst I'll be happy for you guys that your bathroom is finished, there will be a part of me that will miss the (nearly daily)updates on the bathroom. We haven't watched soaps (ahem) for years now and this has been the next best thing


Digger said...

Don't worry mate - work starts on the study the week after next! ;o)

This one could run and run. Unlike the paint. We hope.