Friday, March 07, 2008

Novel news

Take a look at the top of the page. You know, that bit where it says I'll be writing about writing. That's a big LOL isn't it? I've hardly done any of that since I started this blog. That is, either writing about writing, or simply writing.

About a week ago I revisited the folder where my novel sits and I was horrified to see I hadn't touched it since this time last year. Almost. The most recent change was 21 March 2007. OK since then we've had the computers in the dining room for three months while the study was refurbished, I've delivered a major new government computer system, we've entertained various houseguests for varying lengths of time, but yanno these are all excuses when it comes down to it.

So with newfound enthusiasm, right there and then I picked up where I'd left off: in the middle of the third draft (i.e. second re-write) at chapter 7 of 20.

And today I finished it.

Now I must admit when I started draft #3 I expected it to be the last time through, but having finished it I think there's still some polishing I can do. Maybe I should do the next one on paper rather than on the screen, but at 584 pages that's a lot of printing. No, I'll stick to screen for this one and see how I go. It's looking good though, even if I do say so myself. Especially the last half, when the action really kicks in. Believe it or not I was on the edge of my seat, and I know what happens!! That's what a year's perspective can do for you I guess (he says, looking for the silver lining ;o)).

1 comment:

Tvor said...

Sounds like the year away gave you some good, fresh perspective on it.