Sunday, March 09, 2008

Seven years on

As I mentioned last time, I finished the third draft of my novel recently. It's been a work in progress since 2001 and during that time there's been a deal of progress in the rest of the world too.

Nothing brought this home to me more than when re-editing the first chapter today. The main character connects to the Internet using a modem! LOL! Remember them? Seven short years ago, that was the way 99% of us got our online fixes and the scene in my novel was graphically descriptive of the process. Today? It reads like something out of the museum. I don't really want to set the story in the year 2000, or 2001, so that small part is desperately in need of a rewrite. Do you know anyone who still uses a modem for their net connection? Exactly.

Luckily it's just two sentences ;o)

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