Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What goes up...

Well actually, I was hoping that in this particular case what went up wouldn't have to come down. Only it did. With a bang.

There I was, sitting at my puter minding my own business, when I heard a peculiar crackling noise. Just briefly, over on Nikki's side of the study. I figured it was a bird landing on her window sill, or a bee crashing into the glass, or the heat of the day causing part of the building to expand. Nothing to worry about.

Ten seconds later, her curtain pole fell off the wall. Leaving these rather unsightly holes in the nice new plaster, and shattering tiny shards of amber glass finial over a wide area of carpet and desk.


More filling, sanding, painting, drilling, fixing, and putting back up. Only this time, with longer screws!!


Gloria Horsehound said...

Being a frequent visitor to hardware shops, you have my sympathy. Me and curtain poles and plaster just don't get along.

I've just written a pathetic piece for my blog on the horrors of do-it-yourself.
My answer: Don't.

Digger said...

Ah yes. DIY and water. Not a pretty combination. I like the sound of the rubber trousers though.

Gloria Horsehound said...

Sir,you leave my rubber trousers out of it!
Talking of all things rubbery I must make a cake.

Toodle pip!