Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Word Search

We receive quite a few free sheets round here, and most of them are thrown away unread. Occasionally though, one or other of us will find ourselves with a few minutes to waste - waiting for the cafétiere to steep for instance - while one of the rags is still lying around. Today was one such day and led to unintentional hilarity that had us holding our sides to prevent imminent splitting.

The free sheet in question was the "Alexandra News" ("St. Edmund's and S. James' Church - sharing God's love in the Community"). This edition offers a Coffee Break word-search puzzle on the back to keep the kiddies amused:

Oops! Proof read fail. You'll see FART in there as well, although that's just an unfortunate side-effect of having one of the legitimate answers - TRAFFIC - arranged backwards on the line.


Tvor said...

Fail indeed lol i wonder if anyone told the church?

Gloria Horsehound said...

I have heard that word uttered occasionally in parts of Essex. Of course not the sort of places I'd frequent.
Thank You.