Saturday, November 06, 2010

Vinyl: Waterloo Lily

Artist: Caravan
Owned on digital media: Yes
Want to replace: n/a

Finally we reach the last Caravan album in my previously-extensive collection: Waterloo Lily. As any fule kno (read: Google will tell you), this release followed Land of Grey and Pink in 1972, but after keyboardist Dave Sinclair had left and been replaced with the jazzier Steve Miller. This was to be Miller's only album with the band and the result is something that is simultaneously less than, and in many ways also more than, any of their other works.

I've always had mixed feelings about this album. Bits of it are always enjoyable, but other bits I need to be in the right mood for. The traditional "ensemble" track this time round is The Love In Your Eye/To Catch Me A Brother/Subsultus/etc and it's pure Caravan genius. Some of the other stuff, as I said, I can skip or not depending on my mood. And on the digitally remastered CD, in common with all the others I've acquired so far, the "bonus" tracks are a complete waste of time. It's very obvious why they never found their way onto any of the original albums and if they are truly examples of more recent work then either they've lost their way altogether or I am now too old and inflexible to appreciate it (which I doubt, given my recent admission of appreciating, say, Scissor Sisters ^_^).

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