Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday Five

1. Do you dance?
Dad dancing, yeah. I do the hand jive a lot too.

2. Would you consider yourself religious?
Spiritual rather than religious. Religious has all sorts of negative connotations of being forced to "worship" in churches that hoard gold and fine trappings at the expense of their pauper parishes, provide a sanctuary for paedophiles and make war on people who don't believe their particular brand of claptrap. Don't get me started.

3. Do you talk about politics?
Only when there's nothing better to talk about ;o) That winds me up almost as much as religion. Promise much, deliver little, protect your own interests at the expense of others, ride the gravy train. Don't get me started (again).

4. When is the last time you asked for forgiveness?
That's another question with religious overtones. I say sorry a lot for minor things (like missing a bit of the washing up, or accidentally treading on the cat's paw) but I don't really think that's what you're after is it, question 4? So the answer really is "whenever my thoughts turn to those big mistakes I've made in my life."

5. Friday fill-in:
I’m holding out for ___.
when the decorating's finished!

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