Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Can there be anything more satisfying...

...than sitting in one's study while working, and hearing the strains of one of your favourite albums of all time coming up from downstairs, because it's being listened to by your daughters?

Well, I'm sure you have your own list of "most satisfying moments," but this *definitely* qualifies as one of mine.

It's like... passing on the baton of prog rock enjoyment to the next generation. What a pity there are so few contemporary bands with the musical prowess of those great 70s icons to create new stuff that's equally as good.

*waits patiently for the denizens of bothbarson to hotly contest that last point*


Tvor said...

What *was* the album?

angrybonbon said...

Nope, the "the denizens of bothbarson" just relay a bunch of new crap pretending to be old with neither a 7/8 time signature nor a snake-woman in sight....

Gloria Horsehound said...

great seventies icons? Yeah, Mud was good...

Digger said...

Tvor: Tales from Topographic Oceans (Yes)

Bon: lol. Snake women are so passé though.

Glo: Good for dancin', not so good for listenin' (IMO). How's your tiger feet?