Wednesday, December 02, 2009

All's well... so far!

The good news is that, while the aquarium suppliers were at a loss to explain the death of our first three fish, they agreed to replace them right away. Figuring I'd best collect them when the traffic was light I went over there at lunchtime the next day, made sure they were triple-bagged against the cold and not fetched out of their home tank until I was ready to leave, and drove home gently but swiftly.

Hard to describe my relief when I floated the plastic bag in our biUbe and I could see the little fellas were still wrigglin'. I followed the Instructions For Introduction of New Fish to the letter and pretty soon they were investigating the nooks and crannies of their new home.

A worrying 48 hours passed with us checking the tank at every available opportunity and, more often than not, searching the water surface for floating bodies before glancing around the rest of the cylinder. We needn't have worried. These three have settled in really well, seem happy enough and, on the flimsy gender evidence available to us at this early stage, have been christened Bee, Bop and Lou-Lou.


Gloria Horsehound said...

Lovely story Dig.
And what names too! Good luck to you, Mrs Dig and the the kiddie fishies.

Soppy Glo...

angrybonbon said...

Miss S and I had aquariums, but after what amounted to a genocide through no fault, it seemed, of our own we gave up.

Here's hoping for the best for yours.