Monday, December 21, 2009

Raging against the machine

Bloody brilliant.

Whether you like Killing In The Name or not, whether you hate Simon Cowell or not, whether you watch X Factor or not, whether you'd rather poke your own eardrums into your brain than listen to a charmless, tuneless, passionless, charismaless cover of the blandest of bland Miley Cyrus numbers or not, there's no denying the reality of people power.

This was never about who makes the money, who owns the songs, or whether the charts are a fading anachronism of yesteryear. It was all about flicking the finger at the man who never listens to music in his own home, yet thinks he has the right to dictate what we listen to in ours, every Christmas. Well, he doesn't.

Like I said, bloody brilliant.

And if you can't find two better singers out of 200,000 entrants than the wired jiggler Olly-the-Essex-boy Murs and the Bland Balladeer McDingleberry maybe it's time to call time on the X Factor, which became a parody of itself several series ago.


cp said...

Wow, John, tell us how you REALLY feel! I'm not sure what you are referring to, living across the pond and all, but it sounds like there's a crystal clear ring of truth and clarity about Simon in there somewhere.

Gloria Horsehound said...

You leave my Olly out of it. He can't can't sing or dance but he's funny and he's an Essex boy. So shut up Dig.

Raging Glo