Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Eight of the best

Apparently I've garnered a bit of a reputation for meme-stealing. To which I would simply say... there are worse reputations to have :o)

Before I get started on that though, a word about my absence. Apparently it's been quiet on other blogs too. Maybe the post-Christmas blues got to everyone, or we all thought you could only have so much writing about snow or (as in my case) there simply wasn't much I felt worth writing about. Things have happened, but for the most part only mundane things, or things that will keep for another day. In short, I couldn't be arsed. However, there's nothing like a good meme to get one back into the swing of things and, as the old joke goes, this is nothing like a good meme ;o)

8 TV shows I watch:
1. Coronation Street
2. EastEnders
3. Silent Witness
4. Heroes
5. FlashForward
6. American Idol
7. Horizon
8. Lark Rise to Candleford

There are also some shows I watch because I prefer to share space with the person who really likes them, rather than liking them for myself ;o)

8 favourite places to eat and drink:
1. Jawny Baker's, Toronto
2. Chiquito's
3. Nawaab
4. Asian Fusion
5. Ayo Gurkhali
6. Coriander
7. McDonald's (guilty secret) (oh...)
8. Wetherspoons (in general - The Sedge Lynn in particular)

8 things I look forward to
1. The weekend
2. Christmas
3. Weeks away in the Lakes
4. Spending time with my daughters
5. Quality time with Nikki
6. Going to the movies
7. Retirement!
8. Being published!

8 things that happened yesterday
1. Took delivery of a 21st birthday present for Nat
2. Delivered said present to its rightful owner
3. Said farewell to a faulty printer in the office
4. Had breakfast with a colleague I haven't seen since before Christmas
5. Heard the final version of track #8 of our new album
6. Thought about tidying my desk. Didn't.
7. Wrote (most of) this
8. Watched some TV

It's an exciting life I live and no mistake.

8 things I love about winter
1. The fresh smell of the air
2. Christmas
3. Daughters' Birthdays
4. Dark nights
5. Icicles
6. Log fires
7. Bonfires
8. Mulled wine

8 things on my wish list
1. Retirement!
2. Finishing the house refurb
3. A publishing deal for my novel
4. Selling a Beresford & Wallace song
5. Grandchildren. But not yet.
6. Visiting Toronto again
7. Replacing my favourite vinyl albums
8. Fixing my *&^%$ computer

8 words I use often
1. what?
2. sorry?
3. pardon?
4. prat
5. really
6. jesus
7. sh1t
8. floccinaucinilihilipilification

8 things I have learned from the past
1. Some things can be mended
2. Some things can't be mended
3. Not trying to mend something that can be mended will cost you, but you won't ever know how much
4. Trying to mend something that can't be mended will cost you, and you'll be able to count every minute, penny, and drop of salt
5. Sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not something can be mended
6. People who are worth it don't say "because I'm worth it"
7. People who can mend things don't always say "I can mend it"
8. Sometimes all it takes is a smile

8 books, websites, things I recommend
1. iPhones
2. IMDb - it's not just for movies
3. Joomla! For people who can't do websites and want a website
4. A Million Little Pieces. One of the best books I've read in a long time
5. Bending over slowly
6. Fantasy author: Stephen Donaldson
7. XKCD - a geeky laugh three times a week
8. The Hunger Site - a click a day to absolve your guilt for being well fed

8 people I'm tagging for this post
I'm not doing this either :o) So sue me.

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