Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ankling for sympathy

I've done something to my ankle.

Not exactly sure what, but it's bloody painful. It came on yesterday after my journey to Sheffield but at first I thought it was just aching feet having walked a little further than usual. The ache gradually got worse during the day but even so it wasn't as bad as I've had before from time to time so I pretty much ignored it, even though by the end of the day I was limping quite a lot.

I struggled back to the station making sure I left plenty of time to catch the train, and later across the road to the car park but once I was home I didn't notice it getting any worse during the evening.

This morning was a different story. I woke early - around 4.30am - and couldn't get back to sleep. There was no position where the ankle was comfortable, unless I rested it on my other leg and in that position sleep was well-nigh impossible. In the end I gave up shortly after 6 and got up. As soon as I put my foot on the floor I knew I was going to have trouble putting any weight on it, but of course I had to somehow get to the bathroom! Ow! And then downstairs! Ow! There was obviously no chance of me going back to work today. Not only was I supposed to be in Sheffield again (more walking), I couldn't even drive with this amount of discomfort as I wouldn't trust myself to change gear.

Been resting it all morning and it's a little better. At least I can put my foot on the floor without wincing. At this rate it'll be at least two days before I can return to work. The real mystery is how it happened. I don't remember twisting my foot or ankle and I certainly didn't turn it over. It just started as an ache and got worse.


Schnappi said...

;-; get well soon Dad *snugs*

Digger said...

Thanks hon ^_^

Feeling a bit better already actualleh. Hobbling at 1.5fph now instead of 0.5 hehe

Anonymous said...

It was the moths wot did it.

(get well soon)

Tvor said...

You probably strained it or sprained it. It doesn't always take much, just shifting your weight on it the wrong way and you don't even realize it. Did it swell? Try some ice and heat alternating.