Friday, September 07, 2007

Friday Five

1. Who never returns your phone calls?
I rarely make phone calls, so there isn't anyone who never returns them :)

2. What was your favorite childhood toy?
Lego. I never had a particularly big set, and back then you never got the variety you do now - there were no little people, animals, coloured "glass" to make cool spaceships, pirate rigs or any of that. It was basically just bricks and cylinders. It was cutting edge innovation when they brought out black, blue and yellow bricks to supplement the standard red and white ones. But even so I had years of fun building spaceships, working out ways to let the "shuttlecraft" dock - sometimes on the wings, sometimes on the front Fireball XL5-style. I would often spend entire weekends happily ensconced in my own small plastic world.

3. Who is the last person you greeted at your door?
Annie. She came round to talk about panto music.

4. Who do you need?
In my private life, Nikki, my daughters and my friends. Professionally, given the way my company works, I've had to learn to fend for myself. The camaraderie and team work of years ago is now a distant memory. We are just assets to be sweated.

5. Do you break hearts or do you have your heart broken?
Both. Sad but true.

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