Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Five

1. Who do you look up to?
My long-distance friend cp interviewed the wonderful British actress Samantha Morton for this month's edition of movieScope magazine, and she gave the most stunning (but sensible) answer to this: I don't look up to anyone, but I don't look down on anyone either. I don't know if it's legitimate for me to borrow that answer, but it comes close to my own philosophy.

People who look up to other people are more often than not disappointed. No matter who those people are, they are human and hence fallible. Best not to set too high expectations I find. Easy to fall off when you stand on a pedestal.

Did I mention that Samantha Morton went to the same school as me?

2. What is the last thing you cleaned?
The bookshelves as we were bringing them back into the study. They'd accumulated four months' worth of dust as they sat in their temporary positions on the landing and in our bedroom. Ask me that at the weekend though, and the answer will be "the whole house" - in preparation for a visit from the outlaws next weekend.

3. Do you measure with a ruler or do you eyeball it?
Depends what I'm doing. Putting shelves up? Ruler and spirit level. Cooking? Eyeball. Unless it's a recipe I'm doing for the first time.

4. What do people compliment you on?
My patience. Having "gravitas" - whatever that means. My decorating skills (lol!). My writing, especially lyrics. My ability to quickly grasp the essentials of a situation. My inventiveness when problem solving.

5. What is behind you?
The window overlooking the garden. I only have to swivel to get a really nice view :)

1 comment:

Tvor said...

Oooh i know someone that's interviewed Samantha Morton! She's excellent! Good philosophy too. I don't know as looking up to someone necessarily means you've put them on a pedestal. I admire my mother, look up to her, for her strength and kindness. I know she's not perfect, and she drives me nuts sometimes (and vice versa no doubt). but she's worthy of the admiration as was my dad.