Friday, February 27, 2009

Closing date

It's the closing date for ABBA entries today, the post has been and gone, and I still haven't received the postcard I sent with my entry to acknowledge receipt. So now I'll be worrying that it went astray and won't even be looked at.

It's possible, of course, that they're holding all the entries until after the closing date before opening any of them. But this kind of defeats the whole point of allowing an acknowledgement slip to be included with the submission. If it never has a chance to get back to the submitter before the closing date, how are we supposed to know whether or not we should resubmit?

Oh well. It's too late to do anything about it now. I'll just have to trust in the postal gods and await my fate.


Don said...

I assume ABBA is not the band. You're not writing new songs for them, are you, John?

Gloria Horsehound said...

Try not to get in a flap Digger. What you're feeling is entirely natural. And you're not alone. I sometimes wish that when we want to submit stuff we should be able to hand deliver it!

Digger said...

Don - LOL. It's the Alfred Bradley Bursary Award. Were "the real" ABBA ever to reform, I doubt they'd need an amateur like me writing their songs. I'd have a go though, if they asked ;o)

Glo - thanks. Nice tart btw. Still no sign of me little postcard though :(