Friday, September 18, 2009

The fun gets funner

More work-time language fun, this time from one of our... no... I'll stick to my Principles of Anonymity. This arrived in an email yesterday:

... as far as I am a ware...

What? As far as you are an illegally-obtained piece of software? As far as you are a piece of pottery? As far as you are an ethnic native of Tanzania? As far as you are a small town in Hertfordshire? No, dear boy. You are aware. Or rather, you ain't.


Tvor said...

Ah yes but that's an easily made typo. I do em all the time, extra spaces or extra letters in words that my fingers hit and i don't catch before i send. Quite often my apostrophes land on the outside of words because my fingers go faster than my brain.

Tvor said...

Oh, my one of the things, aside from the apostrophes used wrong (not misplaced ones like typing too fast, i.e. dont') is the phrase (or similar) "I should of" instead of "should have", the misuse of "of" instead of "have". My God it looks awful! it might sound like that when you are probably, in fact, using the abbreviation (i.e.) "should've" but it isn't "of". grrr...

Don said...

I think at won tyme I was a ware, but it was in the erly seventys, and i think I lived threw it.

Gloria Horsehound said...

Typo Dig . Get over i t.

Digger said...

No. He has a history. Her self, where as, etc. It's quite common, in my experience.

Nikki said...

Obviously he wasn't a lert when he typed it ;)

Tvor said...

AAaghhh further to this thread.... Advertising on telly.... there was just an ad about oh i don't know, wrinkles or some sort of minor disfiguring flaw and the supposed "real" testimonial (but you know it's really an actress) says "I'm so embarrassed of them" regarding said wrinkles. Ghannannghghghh!