Saturday, September 26, 2009

A visit from the squad


Always an annoyance that, when we've locked up at the front after returning from a highly successful shopping expedition, and weren't expecting to have to sally forth again until Monday.

"Hello!" *smiles*
The face of the twenty-something girl on the front step positively gleamed with her inner radiance. A twenty-something lad shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot on the path behind her. She clutched a thick, black-leather-clad book in one hand.

"Is that a Bible?"
*slight pause*
"Seeya then." *closes door gently*

I wonder what their conversion rate is? Oh, hello, we've come to talk to you about God! Really? How wonderful! I've never thought much about it before, but you're right! Where do I sign?

I don't think so.


Blythe said...

Godsquad still snuffling around then >D

Digger said...

Ayuh >.<

Don said...

We get them here on Saturdays usually. They are of the JW faith. Karen dutifully takes the pamphlets which go directly to the recycling bin. I'm not as nice. I refuse the paper.
If we think people would be better served by something we personally believe in, then we have to let the product speak for itself. That's a really hard thing when it's about religion.
Operating systems is another thing though. LOL

Gloria Horsehound said...

I've had some interesting conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses. But they say what they need and want to say and what you/I/or anyone has to say is quite irrelevant.
I've never been abrupt or rude only firm.

angrybonbon said...

Always have a few dead crows tied by the legs near the front door. When they arrive splatter your hands and face with just a touch of fake blood, grab said birds, and then open the door with a bright and breezy 'Hello'.

Ok, it takes some organising, but I can assure you the results are worth it.

Digger said...

Don: Operating Systems are still a form of religion though! ;o)

Bon: Brilliant! Only trouble is with my luck I'd get bloodied up and open the door to discover it was one of the neighbours' kids come round to borrow an egg.

Don said...

Could be a religious experience all right, John. I guess it's a belief thing.
I attend a Linux meeting here in Parksville monthly, and there are some attendees who are almost militant. That's not me. I've matured beyond that, I like to think.

Tvor said...

I was approached by two earnest suited young men while waiting for the bus one winter's day. They launched into their speech about seeing your loved ones after you die and i said ah but what about reincarnation? And i launched into a prattle about that since, nobody really knows for sure do they etc. I don't really know what they had to say about it because the bus came :)