Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Say what?

A lifetime love of language occasionally manifests itself in mild amusement at the verbal knots tied in the sentences of others, malapropisms and general mis-speaking. Mild internal amusement, I should add. It's not my style to wag fingers and snort with derision or anything like that. I don't get pleasure from others' embarrassment(*).

So there'll be no names or other identifying material in my relating a comment from a colleague on a recent voice conference, when describing how his current project was going:

It's got a status of 'quo'

I wonder where they get it from sometimes.

(*) Note: I don't count forum dwellers. I'll wag fingers, snort, pick apart, ridicule, correct, bang on about apostrophes and generally not give any quarter when I'm on a forum. It's all part of the fun. Besides, they deserve it.

1 comment:

Blythe said...

I reckon he's probably gotten that from just hearing how his kids speak, if he's got teenagers that is.

Also about the forums - LOL you're one of THOSE people. XD! I should be ashamed of you.....