Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ideas 'R' Us

I had an idea for another novel last night. It came to me in one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had and for once, I remembered it for almost an hour after waking - long enough to write it down in sufficient detail for me to build the story on it.

Trouble is... I really don't need any more ideas. From a position a few years ago of saying to myself "I know I could write a really good novel, if only I had an original story concept" to now, when I've been writing down every good idea I've had since that first thought, I've got more ideas that I know what to do with. Certainly more than I could ever write in however much life is left to me. People in the know - specifically this guy - told me (well, not ME personally, you know - he wrote it on his blog. His very-well-read blog) this would happen and guess what? He was right.

Damn' good idea though. Really dark and menacing. And as always, FAR more attractive than the story I'm trying to write at the moment. Which makes it just one more distraction I don't need!

1 comment:

Don said...

I got into Myst many years ago when a friend gave me a box set of Riven including the original Myst.
I love the puzzle solving way, as opposed to the shoot stuff one.
I found a way of porting my old discs to linux and I'm still enjoying them today.
At a book sale event for the local SPCA, I found another Myst book I'd never seen.
I went to bed early last night, and got a good two hours in. Maybe I'll do the same tonight.
Fantasy is a good way of retreating, or escaping from reality for a bit.