I'm sure this is another example of how my upbringing ruined any chance I ever had of a normal eating pattern. It was always "finish your dinner!" "You'll sit at that table until every scrap is eaten up!" "If you don't eat it today, you'll have it again tomorrow" etc, etc. No matter how large the portion or how inedible the meal, those plates had to be licked clean. Bags of sweets and bars of chocolate? Same approach. To be finished in a single sitting and the quicker the better. No concept of savouring the moment. No, the right way to deal with it was only two letters away from savouring, but a metaphorical universe separated the two. The right way was: devouring.
I had eighteen years to learn this lesson and, so far, I've been unable to UNlearn it in the intervening 32 years.
but if they're selling you two fingers of it in the same package, aren't you meant to eat both ? Far be it from me to break the rules. :D
It's actually an EU directive that you can't pause between bars
nice interpretation of blog title btw...:-]
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