Monday, August 13, 2007

Last respects

We made a subdued journey over to Yorkshire this morning so that Blythe (mainly, but Natalie also) could pay her last respects to Twig. It was an upsetting but fitting way to say goodbye before he goes to be cremated. Then she'll have to decide what to do with his ashes.

Tough decisions at any age, but very hard when you're thirteen. I know she'll make the right choice for her though.

In these situations you look for the small mercies and in Twig's case it is that there wasn't a mark on him, so he probably didn't know anything about it when it happened. Even though there are speed bumps through the village there are still some mad drivers on that road.

By the time we'd returned home and had lunch I needed to spend some time putting the sad thoughts away, so we spent the afternoon together as X-Men, fighting the bad guys and completing several missions before dinner.

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