Saturday, February 16, 2008


After my pathetic attempts to close my watch after replacing its battery, we went out today to get some professional help. We were intending to head into town to have some pictures framed, but having decided at the last minute to "keep it local" and use the Chorlton framer, we realised there was no need for a bus ride after all, so we drove instead to the Trafford Centre and paid a visit to the Watch Hospital.

The problem had him flummoxed for a few minutes too, which made me feel better. Eventually he had to resort to using a press - a bit like a cider press only designed for watchmakers (lol) to snap the back into place while holding it totally flat. The *crack* it gave when it finally popped into place made it obvious that I would never have been able to get it back with thumbs, or pliers, or any other tool that I possess.

After stopping off at Starbucks for a refresher, we headed into Chorlton centre for our visit to the framers. Nikki's had this great idea of setting up a "picture wall" in the study full of family pictures. We have an original copy of my Mum & Dad's wedding photo, as well as some of her as a young girl, and her Mum & Dad, and there's quite a supply of old B&W pics at my Mum's, so we should be able to make quite a feature of it. So we made a start with a couple of those, and we had some beach scenes for the bathroom that we bought ages ago, along with a seascape that we've had for so long we can't remember where it came from!

Picking them up next Saturday! Woohoo!

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