Friday, February 08, 2008

Friday Five and more shower shenanigans

As you know, we've been having problems with our shower. As if we didn't have enough trouble when it was being fitted. Then they sent the wrong replacement. You might thing the blimmin' thing is jinxed. Well, good as their word the suppliers dropped off the (correct!) replacement unit last week and I'd arranged for our plumber to call today to fit it.

Only he was late.

So I called him. He's put his back out. He won't be able to come until next Friday. So we've another week of baths to look forward to. I use the phrase "look forward to" loosely, as I am very definitely NOT a bath person. Hmph.

1. What are you set on?
Being published. Eventually.

2. What do you have to do right?
Just about everything, lol. But especially writing. I kick myself if I slip up in a public forum and write "there" instead of "their", or "your" instead of "you're." The kind of thing spellcheckers (which I never use anyway) don't find. I like to have time to review something before posting it, but sometimes if I'm dashing something off I don't have that luxury.

3. Have any kids?
Yes. Two daughters. Both beautiful. Both amazing. Intelligent, witty, charming, thoughtful and capable. And no, I'm not biased.

4. Are you patient?
You wouldn't think so if you sat beside me while I was driving behind one of the many slowpokes or red-light-runners that inhabit Manchester's streets. But in general, yes. Once when I was about 12 or 13 my uncle's lawnmower wasn't working properly. I spent about two hours adjusting the blades until it cut a perfect swathe across his lawn. It didn't feel like I was being particularly patient - just doing the job properly (see above, lol) - but he said he was impressed with how patient I'd been.

5. Friday fill-in:
I know if I put my mind to it ______.
I could do anything.

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