Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What did you was like?

Seems to be a bit of a week for ranting, but I overheard a couple of kids talking the other day and it reminded me that we're shortly going to see the disappearance of the verb "to say." Simply because young people don't "say" anything these days. They "was like" it. Listen to them for a few seconds and you'll see what I mean.

"I saw Kevin, right, and he was like 'where you bin?' and I was like 'dahn Mickey's' and he was like 'yeah? What's happ'nin'?' and I was like..."

You get the picture. >sigh<


Anonymous said...

and no 'whatevers'?

I have to agree with Stephen Fry when he argued that if everything 'is like' then nothing is the same as itself anymore and thus mimesis has finally lost out.

But then I said that in a seminar recently and got accused by a student of, and I quote, "sounding like my mum".

Tvor said...

unfortunately i catch myself saying that too and i have no idea when i started doing it.