Friday, July 02, 2010

Stuff my Mum said

We've all heard of "Shit My Dad Says", right? Well, you can Google it if you haven't. What? You want me to do everything for you? Good grief. Alright: here.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah. Well my Mum doesn't say much these days that's worth reporting. It's not like she's as clued up as that guy's dad. But way back when I was a kid she used to say a bunch of weird shit. I mean, I was fifteen before I discovered who "our Side" was. I thought he was some fat bloke my Mum used to know. Whenever she saw a really fat person she'd say he (or she) was as fat as our Side.

Who was he - a long lost relative or something?

No. It was me not hearing properly. What she was really saying was that they were as fat as a HOUSE side.

1 comment:

Don said...

Last time I flew back to see my 96 year old mom, she asked me to get the doo-jack-a-pibby from the fridge.
I think it means thingamajig or something like that.