Saturday, January 26, 2008


Having spent the last two weeks clambering in and out of the bath, Nikki gave me the nudge yesterday to check the bathroom suppliers for progress. I'd called the manufacturers as promised to be told that I needed to go back to the suppliers and have them fax the original order details through to the manufacturers to confirm the warranty and the part number, and they'd send a replacement right away.

As luck would have it the suppliers showroom is right along the road to my office, so I dropped in on that Monday morning, did the deed, and they told me they'd see to it right away and be in touch by Friday to let me know what was happening.

As in ... last Friday.

So I called them yesterday. "Oh yes Mr. Beresford. We've got your replacement valve here." Right. And you were going to tell me that when?

I dropped in on the way home. The guy must have seen me park up because as I approached the counter he approached from the opposite side carrying a shower valve that he placed on said counter. He smiled proudly. I looked at the valve. Looked at him.

"That...doesn't my shower valve."

His face fell. "Just a moment," he mumbled, and disappeared into the showroom, returning after a full five minutes brandishing two brochures.

"HSK?" he asked tentatively. I had no idea what he was on about, but slowly it dawned on me that he was probably asking what manufacturer it was.
"Imperial?" I offered, hoping I'd made the right assumption.

He brightened up and opened the second brochure, pointing immediately to the correct shower unit. For once his virtually eidetic memory had let him down. He'd remembered that we'd had something from HSK and assumed it was the shower (it was actually the hinged door panel). So we have another week to wait before we can shower again.

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