Monday, July 28, 2008

Blowing hot and cold

Continuing the theme I started yesterday, with a bifurcated post on writing and decorating, today was a day for blowing hot and cold too.

The cold? My daft way of referring to the 5th and final draft (hahaha! 'draft' geddit? I crack myself up) of my novel, which I began today. Working through the feedback I've had from my most excellent beta-readers Nat & Blythe, I took it from the top. I noted as I progressed through the chapters that the volume of comments dropped off steeply. There could be several reasons for this.

I think the main one is that the quality of writing improves as the story picks up pace. Bearing in mind some of the early chapters were written 7-8 years ago and despite being edited several times still had structural faults that I hadn't spotted. But I like to think a secondary reason is that both of them became so engrossed in the story towards the end that they kind of forgot they were supposed to be reviewing. I'm fairly comfortable with that delusion. And I'm not losing out, revision-wise. Funny, but the fact that someone else is reading/has read it has made me review it more closely, even in the absence of many comments.

The hot? Well wouldn't you know it, we "chose" the hottest day of the year on which to have the new radiator fitted in the lounge. With temperatures pushing 30° we had to run the heating for half an hour to test the installation. Sheesh! I'm melting! Meeeellllllting!

Anyway, it was worth it. Here's our nice new rad all ready to go. The end of this project is nigh. It's nigh, I tell ya!

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