Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Every cloud...

In tonight's news Lewis Gordon Pugh, dubbed the human polar bear on account of having swum for a kilometre at the North Pole to prove how global warming has affected the polar ice caps, now plans to kayak all the way up there this summer.

This trip *should* be impossible, but returning from his swimming trip last year he predicted it would be possible "sometime in the next ten years." Now that the ice caps are melting faster than anyone believed possible, turns out it can be done this year.

In a grimly ironic turn, the fact that the North Pole will shortly be exposed for the whole summer on a regular basis has heated up (sorry) the race by the oil and mineral companies to exploit the rich natural resources that exist in the Arctic ocean bed. So global warming will itself allow us easier access to more of the fuels whose burning will ... contribute to ... more global warming.

(*sounds of hollow laughter indistinguishable from exasperated weeping*)

1 comment:

Gloria Horsehound said...

In the future human beings will find ways to cope with whatever legacy we, the current inhabitants of earth, leave them.
We're a hardy lot and won't go down without a fight.
Just a passing thought, I'm wondering what bloggers in a hundred years will be writing about. Our over zealous mining on distant planets perhaps...
Thank you.