Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Five

1. What troubles you?
At the moment, a particularly bothersome deadline at work for a document I don't especially want to write. More generally, how many people are starving in the world while I munch happily on whatever I like.

2. Do you like thunderstorms?
Love 'em. The whole bit. Lightning, really loud CRACKing thunder, torrential rain. Once, when I was six, it started to rain when I was out on my bike. I kinda liked the feel of it dripping down my shirt, and the smell of the wet pavement. I just sat there for ... must have been twenty minutes, listening to the rain, smelling it, watching it bounce up off the road and splash and gurgle down the gulleys. Eventually one of the neighbours must have spotted me there, sitting on my bike in the road, and called my Mum. She came out under a hastily-snatched raincoat and screamed blue murder at me to "get inside!" I was soaked to the skin and loved every minute.

3. Do you sleep easily or toss and turn?
I'm asleep within seconds of my head touching the pillow. In fact it pretty much doesn't matter where I am, if I lie on my back I'll fall asleep.

4. What do you offer a friend?
A lift, usually. You can take that however you like.

5. Friday fill-in:
Please don't ___.
...ask me to be serious.


Tvor said...

I'd say you were usually successful in number 4, in the esoteric sense :), probably has a lot to do with number 5 ;)

Tvor said...

well of course, not always number 5, but you know what i mean :)