Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Five

1. Favourite pastry?
Oh, God, so many. Apple pie, vanilla slice, custard slice, cinnamon whirl, maple & pecan danish, chocolate croissant, almond croissant, chicken & mushroom pie, custard tart, bramley apple turnover. What, you mean I have to pick one? Nahhh.

2. How do you like to waste time?
Playing Spider Solitaire on the computer

3. How would you describe your complexion?
I wouldn't. I'm a bloke. I'm bloke coloured.

4. What do you hang on to that you should really get rid of?
Lots of stuff that I'm going to "sell on eBay" one day. Cool stuff like a 20-year-old VCR that I bought for £800. You could now get a much higher spec model for a tenth of that price, it would take up a quarter of the space, and which you wouldn't want anyway because no-one in their right mind is buying (or even using) tape any more.

5. What is the last thing that made you hurt?
I sawed through my knuckle a few months ago while I was pruning a tree. The saw hit a twig and bounced out of the cut across my hand. Superficially the skin healed over quite quickly but the tendons took longer to stop paining me (like about 4 months).
Emotionally? I've blocked it out ;o)

1 comment:

Tvor said...

I still use tape ;) i tape a soap daily and a couple of things on the weekend. If i can find a dvd hard drive recorder that i can hack to multi regional i'll do that. The cable company *rents* dvrs and i really hate to pay that extra cost but they wont' sell them. I alreayd own my digital tuner so why would i want to rent a new one just because it's got a dvr in it? In the meantime. I tape stuff.