Sunday, July 15, 2007

Natural Hessian

I put the second coat of emulsion on in the study today. I'm still working on "my side" only because the roofer hasn't fixed the leak on Nikki's side yet, but I figured if I carried on doing nothing I'd still have the whole job to do, whereas if I treat it like two separate rooms at least I'll have finished more than half of it by the time the roof is mended.

The other driver is, of course, the fact that the plumber is coming on Friday to fit the radiators, so I had at least to have painted under both windows and fitted those two pieces of skirting. Although this conflicts with my work deadline, I still think I'll have time to get that done. It's only two pieces. I'm just worried that that sounds an awful lot like "famous last words."

Anyway, my walls are looking top now in their new colour - "natural hessian" - which is kind of a dark mushroomy shade of magnolia. Browny rather than creamy. The paint tins came with little tags suggesting colours for feature walls, so now we're toying with the idea of doing the two chimney breasts at opposite ends of the room in a dark brown colour called "intense truffle." I quite liked the deep raspberry idea, but since we've already bought the (green) carpet that's not an option. Just an idea at present, so I painted the whole room out in the one colour so we can see how it looks. (Fab, is the answer!)

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